Friday, April 23, 2010

Social networks and the Push Me-Pull You

(image courtesy of the Huffington Post)

Mark Earls is one of my social network conscienses, constantly reminding me of some of the simple truths about social networks.

In this post he reiterates that the point often made that they do not represent arenas that brands can barge in on and implement their interruptive tactics.

The closing paragraphs sum it all up

" So let's try to get at least this thing really straight:

Social networks are not channels for advertisers or for the adverts/memes you, your clients or any of your so-called "influentials" create, social networks are for all of the people who participate in the network.

Being a social creature means you spend your life in social networks; being part of a social network gives each individual a number of benefits - shared protection, shared resources and most importantly shared learning. Our ability to learn from each other (the appropriately-named Social Learning) is one of our all-too-mutual species' most characteristic capabilties and the engine by which stuff gets pulled through populations (from technologies to health habits)

(BTW it's almost never the stickiness of your brilliant creation that causes the spread and even less often "social teaching" that most influence-models suggest)

Social networks are not best understood as channels down which folk send things; social networks are webs from which members pull down learning (from each other). (My emphasis not his).

Now how does that change what you're trying to do?"

Thanks Mark

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